Friday, January 7, 2011

The "Know No's" List

I cannot even begin to tell you how much better I feel after just a couple of days of being back on track in eating healthy and exercising!  I don't know why I relapse.  Good food taste good, is good for you AND makes you feel good.  I'm super excited about Diana Sobo's - Get Naked Fast book (you can go to my LettuceBeHealthy Store link in the upper right corner and check it out). 

I totally do not feel like I'm missing out on anything!  No counting calories (although I find myself still trying to calculate them in my head).  Just good clean/raw food!  One step at a time I am working on being sugar free, wheat free, dairy free, meat free, caffeine free and no problem on the alcohol free (who needs the aging process accelerated and increased wrinkles, dry skin and loss of elasticity?  I have done well enough without the help of alcohol in these categories :-).     I've got the alcohol free down already so one down and five to go!  So, my goal this year is to cross everything off of my Know - No list by learning all I can about what these foods truly do to our bodies and through awareness - eliminate them from my diet one at a time.  I want to strip away the food that is weighing me down!

Currently I'm working on meat free, as it is my least favorite food anyway and I haven't had any for three days and totally don't miss it! 

Today breakfast was four Banana Buckwheat Pancakes, three large strawberries and cup of coffee with coconut milk for creamer (this will take some getting use to, I love my half and half).

Lunch was a veggie sub (I know...I ate wheat...but NO MEAT, which is what I'm working on right now) and I had some chips and unsweet tea.

At the movies I did grab a hand full of popcorn but that was it, so good for me I usually eat a box of milk duds and half a bag of small a handful of popcorn and water was it...I'm proud of myself!

Dinner today was an Orange Julius  (recipe under the recipe tab above)

So tell me, what are you doing this year to make a difference in your life, or perhaps extend your life?

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