Friday, October 8, 2010

Coconut Humor

Today I decided to utilize a new cookbook on raw food and prepare a "CACAO Ganache Mousse Cake" (which I will post details on tomorrow when it's complete from being cooked in the dehydrator).

So, in the ingredients for the Mousse Filling it says:  Young Thai Coconut (use flesh and liquid) following me??  Never before have I ever purchased a fresh coconut, nor seen one utilized in a recipe.  When I read flesh and liquid...well lets just say I thought it meant the entire coconut.  Don't get me wrong, the one I purchased already had the brown removed from the it was white.  I'm thinking it's ready to cut up and use right?  WRONG!

My husband comes in as I'm sawing this thing to pieces ( mind you I had already drained the yummy liquid and set it aside) he says:  wow, your using the whole coconut (now this is what I'm thinking I'm doing)...I said yep, recipe says use the flesh and the liquid.  I'm continuing to saw chunks off of the outside and add it to my mousse mixture in the food processor...just grinding away..and he says dear, you know the flesh is on the inside right?

I'm like DUH!  that's why I bought it with the outside cut off....he said hmmm..have you tried your mousse filling?  So I stopped and got a spoon and tried it and after I about choked on the shreds of HARD coconut strings/wire :-)...I'm like what is that all about? 

He said I'm pretty sure you cut it open and use the flesh he cuts it open for me and I'm about to cry,, not really..but had to figure out how I was going to use this mixture, as I had already combined vanilla bean, cashews, agave, maple syrup, etc.. and was not going to let this go to I got out a strainer and pushed everything threw the mesh (except the hairy coconut pieces) and all is well with the mousse filling...there is less of it now, but what is left is good!

So, tomorrow I will put the cake together and we'll go from there.  Until then...

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