Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Hen House and more space for Goats Pen

We are so excited about giving our Hens a new Hen House for Christmas!  :-).  While putting up the new Hen house, it made us decide to expand the Goat Pen at the same time, since we had to take down and re-do part of the Goat Pen in order to take out the old Hen house and put in the new one.  So, the hens received a new house for Christmas and the goats a larger pen for when we need to enclose them. 

The goats run free in the back of our property but from time to time we do need to place them in their pen and this gave them almost twice the space,  this way we do not feel so bad, as we love letting them roam free.

OK Chickies, you can come in now!

Yes, all these eggs were in one nest.  Chickens do share nests...and as a matter of fact up to 6 chickens may use the same box....they like to share.  It's not uncommon for one box to be very popular, as you can see here.

Healthy eggs come from Happy Hens!

My wonderful husband and son.  I thank God for them everyday!

It's official...

Here's your sign!

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