Monday, November 8, 2010

Trying to find my way back

Okay, it is so hard to pass up all the goodies that surround this holiday...thank goodness it is time to move forward!

Seems like I got busy with volunteering at school, etc.. etc..and lost track of keeping track...if you know what I mean.  Unfortunately, I am totally embarrassed that I have put back on a few pounds.  Believe you me, I'm not to happy about it. 

I totally didn't plan ahead, didn't prep food as I normally do and just plain didn't keep track of calories or what I was eating and BAMM...gained back four pounds in two weeks!!

Today is a new day and I'm doing my best to re-focus and get on track.....How are you all doing?

What helps you re-focus?  What tips do you have to help get back on track?

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