Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Daily Green

Drink Up!

I'll admit I wasn't sure if I wanted to drink this or just run away from it!  Questions like:  should I hold my nose to drink it ran through my mind...etc...

Once I took a deep breath and a wasn't half bad! 

Straight from the Raw Cleanse book by Penni Shelton

2 cups fresh spinach
6 stalks of celery
1 medium cucumber
1/2 bunch flat leaf parsley

Run all ingredients through your juicer and enjoy!

While drinking just think about the high iron in spinach and the co-enzyme Q10 you are giving your body, no to mention the abundance of organic sodium from the celery (which most people are deficient in) and what beautiful skin you are going to have by adding that cucumber and you know that good ole parsley will purify the intestines...not  to mention it is a natural deodorizer!

So think good thoughts while sipping this breakfast through a straw.

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