Saturday, October 2, 2010

New Food Dehydrator

What is Raw Food?

My new food dehydrator came a little over a week a go.  I've been sitting on my hands just waiting for my new cookbook to arrive.  Guess what?  It is here!! 

Now I know if you are anything like me when you hear the words food dehydrator your thinking beef jerky and dried fruit.  But this is not what I plan to use my food dehydrator for.

My new cookbook is called "Rawmazing Desserts" by Susan Powers.  Tomorrow I am going to dig in and hope to have something in the works.  I'm so excited to add raw food to my diet! 

So, what is raw food?  I promise you that it has nothing to do with Sushi! 
From what I have read and researched, Raw Food is a diet of fresh, whole raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts. It is said that Raw food is a  better quality of food, therefore you are satisfied quicker and you eat less.  According to the raw food advocates,  raw foods are more flavorful  than cooked foods so there is no need to add salt, sugar, spices, or other condiments that can irritate your digestion system or over stimulate other organs. Raw foods are easier to prepare and spend less time in the kitchen.   Now don't get me wrong, I do not plan to go "raw" as they say but I do plan to incorporate it into my current diet as much as possible, especially in the way of dessert.  I figure if, who am I kidding, "IF"...lets try .. "I am"  going to eat dessert, then why not make it as healthy as I can.

So, I leave you with a raw food joke: 

Why did the man pour veggies all over the world? 

He wanted peas on earth...bahhahhhahhhhaaahhaa (now you know it's funny, go ahead and laugh)

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