Saturday, October 16, 2010

Healthy Halloween Treats - wheat free, gluten free, casein free, dairy-free, sugar free and Vegan

Halloween Treats

Ever wonder why our children get sick in the fall? 

Why does the flu season seem to come when Halloween shows itself? 

Could it be that all of those Halloween Treats our little goblins are gobbling up?  I'm truly coming around to believe that sugar seriously weakens our immune systems, just inviting viruses to attack. 

Recently, I went several days without eating sugar and man did I feel much better.  (Now I'm not talking about the natural sugars in fruit and such...I'm talking the refined sugars).  I still enjoyed fruits and vegetables plenty.  Today I ate some very bad for you ice cream and believe you me, I feel awful at this moment!  Not because I ate ice cream, but because I had some Arctic Zero in the freezer and love it, and could have eaten it and been just as satisfied without the fat and sugar. 

So I'm thinking, it's almost Halloween and how do I keep all this yummy candy corn and such away from our four year old?  I better try and figure out a way to make it (candy) as tasty and nutritional as possible.  I'd rather my husband be the bad guy :-).  

So what is a concerned parent to do?  Well, I found this great book (which can be purchased at the LettuceBeHealthy Store  click link and go to "Healthy Halloween Treats" at the top)   and it is full of ways that you and your child or children can have a fun and tasty Halloween without feeling left out of the festivities that surround this

  Choco Strawberry!

The book is called:  Healthy Halloween Treats by  Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo and here is a copy of her message about the book - These are her  words :

"Avoiding the Temptation of Chocolate Bars and Candy Corn
Is Easy When You Have Deliciously
Healthy Halloween Treats to Eat

Believe it or not, candy corn doesn't count as a vegetable.  But what if you and your family could enjoy delicious Halloween treats that were actually good for you?  What if instead of feeling deprived, your kids felt excited about their healthy Halloween goodies.
What if you had access to a resource that was chock full of recipes, tips and resources to help you quickly and easily make your own treats, or shop for healthy ones online?
What would that be worth to you? What if you could breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that your family is well nourished and happy at the end of the evening?

Fortunately, there are ways to make Halloween treats from
whole fresh foods. They are delicious,
nutritious and fun to eat.

  • No need to give up the chocolate. Learn to make whole, healthy and delicious treats such as chocolate spiders, caramel coated apples and lots more.
  • WOW your kids and their friends with treats so delicious, they won't realize they are healthy!
  • Enjoy the incredible simplicity and health-giving deliciousness of whole living foods.

Learn healthy and environmentally friendly alternatives to the typical
Halloween treats and activities.

From chocolate spiders to caramel coated apples, your little ones will clamor for these treats while you're assured of serving them fresh, fun and healthy food.
When you make your little witches and ghouls the treats found in my new breakthrough book, Healthy Halloween Treats, you can relax - knowing you are giving them sweets made from wholesome ingredients.
Each delicious recipe features foods you can find in supermarkets, health food stores and online.
Most of the recipes are quick and easy to make, and are ready to eat instantly.
No messy pots or pans to clean and no waiting an hour or more while your treats bake.

Comments from parents and kids who made

  • "The best news is, they haven't been sick like they usually are this time of year".
  • "my kids loved the banana ghosts. And they are so easy to make!"
  • "I love that they aren’t all hung over and sniffly the next day from all the sugar."
  • "After attending your class, I was excited to implement some new Halloween traditions.  The kids traded in their candy for whole grain cupcakes and the home-made chocolates I learned in your class and they were very happy.  The best news is that they haven't been sick like they usually are this time of year.  Thanks Dr. Ritamarie."

Healthy Eating Doesn't Mean Your Children
Will Be Left Out Of the Fun

Maybe you fear that your kids will feel left out of the Halloween fun if they can't eat the candy from trick-or-treating. Healthy Halloween Treats contains ideas for creating new family traditions that kids love, and healthy treats they often enjoy MORE than store bought junk food.
Whip up a witches' brew of treats, snacks and party favorites using healthy foods. There's even a bevy of 'food on a stick' recipes, like caramel apples and chocolate covered bananas. Kids love these!
Your holiday rituals don't have  to be all about food. The book includes tips to help families celebrate Halloween together in fun, wholesome ways. From party ideas to novel ways to welcome trick-or-treaters, family fun is central to Healthy Halloween Treats. 
There's even a chapter about the History of Halloween.  These creative ideas come from my personal experience as a mother, doctor, nutritionist and passionate health advocate. My children love their Halloween rituals, and yours will too.

All of the recipes in Healthy Halloween Treats are wheat-free, gluten-free, casein-free, dairy-free, sugar-free and vegan, so those with dietary restrictions can indulge without compromising their health. Best of all, most of these decadent recipes are quick and easy to make and require no cooking.
Each recipe is clearly labeled for your convenience.
The recipes included in this book were tested and enjoyed by participants in my raw foods classes. Now you can enjoy the benefits of my experience right in the comfort of your own home with this inexpensive, convenient book.

In the book  "Healthy Halloween Treats:  Quick, Healthy and Delicious Recipes and Rituals To Delight Children of All Ages" you'll learn:
  • Facts about what's unhealthy in Halloween candy - it's scarier than you think!
  • Alternatives to candy for trick-or-treaters
  • Nurturing family traditions
  • History of our Halloween habits
  • How to make Halloween treats
  • What ingredients to buy
  • Recipes for chocolate candies, fudge, cookies, cakes and more
  • Where to shop online for healthy treats...and so much more!

How do you tell this little Goblin NO?

Order Now: Halloween is just around the corner."

This link (directly above) will take you directly to the LettuceBeHealthy Store.  Once there, just click the "Healthy Halloween Treats" link and you'll find this book as well as some healthier halloween treat options.

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